Day 1 Date: 5/15/22

Only drops, but they say to keep pumping.


5am-5:30am left 15 min right 15min

9:15am-9:45am L15min R 15min

1:30pm-2pm L15min R15min

5pm-5:30pm L15 R15

7:45pm-8:15pm L15 R15

Total: 5 sessions pumping

Attempted to have the baby latch several times a day; once she became stressed, I had my husband give her a bottle while I pumped.

I have to revamp my schedule based on the research I have done. Working on finding a better system and program to work with daily. I also have to return to work creeping up on me; there isn't enough time in a day.

I feel anxiety over starting to pump again because of the formula shortage. I don't want my baby to go without a formula or deal with us having to be short-tempered because we are tired.

I don't think I will ultimately supply all the breastmilk she needs, but I may be able to replace a bottle here and there. I have been through so many flanges to find out I am using one the too big, I could scream, but I finally figured out how to measure my nipple. I am a size 28 MM in the ordered flange, and it's coming soon. I have been using 32 MM, thinking that was my pumping issue, I was wrong because it could not get all the milk out, so it would not work out. In the hospital, the nurses are short on time, and if they don't take a liking to you, it is easy to ignore your need for help. I tried to ask questions, but the nurses would get annoyed if they felt it was a stupid question and find a way to walk away.

I am carefully using a 24MM until I get the other one in the mail. I have been completely traumatized by my first experience having a baby. The nurses don't tell you the basics in the hospital, and the time with the Lactation specialist is a joke. The hospital tells you to come back and see the lactation specialist, but when you have a baby, how can you realistically have the time for that. Especially since my husband doesn't get parental leave. The hospital states they want you to breastfeed but then threatens to keep your baby if they lose 10 percent of their birth weight. I am trying not to let that get in my way this time around.


Day 2 Date: 5/16/22